This is the portable source code for teh Z80 and 6502 emulation cores. They are used in projects, such as fMSX, MasterGear, ColEm, Speccy, and iNES, as well as by other people:
- Z88DK cross-development kit for Z80-based systems by Dominic Morris.
- 80x86-optimized Z80 core and other projects by Marcel de Kogel.
- Microcomputer Design course in the University of York by Don Goodeve.
- Z80 part of the Genesis emulator (GenEm) by Markus Gietzen.
- Atari7800 emulator by Markus Gietzen.
- Canon X-07 emulator by Jacques Brigaud and Jerome Vernet.
- PCEngine emulator by Jens Ch. Restemeier.
- Rygar arcade emulator by Jean-Marc Leang.
- MAME project by Nicola Salmoria and Co.
- Amstrad PCW emulator (Joyce) by John Elliott.
- VZ300 emulator by Guy Thomason.